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Microsoft SQL Server 2016 엔터프라이즈 소매 상자

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 엔터프라이즈 소매 상자

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Retail Box
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Retail Box

큰 이미지 :  Microsoft SQL Server 2016 엔터프라이즈 소매 상자 최고의 가격

제품 상세 정보:
원래 장소: 미국 / 싱가포르 / 아일랜드
브랜드 이름: Microsoft
인증: Microsoft Certificated
모델 번호: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 엔터프라이즈 소매 상자
결제 및 배송 조건:
최소 주문 수량: 10pc
가격: Contact us
포장 세부 사항: 봉인한 소매 박스
배달 시간: 1-2 일
지불 조건: 서부 동맹, T/T, MoneyGram
공급 능력: 1000 PC / 달
상세 제품 설명
이름: SQL 서버 2016 기업 매체: DVD
상태: 주식 언어: 다중 언어
타입: 소매 팩지 면허: 소매 열쇠
지역: 전역 익스프레스: DHL EMS 페덱스
보증: 수명 활성화: 온라인

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 엔터프라이즈 소매 상자


4GB RAM SQL 서버 2016 기업


1.6GHz 2016 기업 SQL 서버 박스

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Retail Box

Get the most of your data, while not compromising integrity - SQL Server Enterprise 2016 is the most secure version of SQL released to this date and can do a lot for your business data. No matter what your focus for your data, SQL Server 2016 gives you the tools to unlock deeper insights, enhance security and performance, and stretch your databases across hybrid environments. If you have remote access set up on your server, you and your team can make changes remotely as well.


SQL Server 2016 introduces three new principal security features, Always Encrypted, Row-Level Security, and dynamic data masking. Because of innovative client-side encryption technology "Always Encrypted", the SQL Server instance never sees the unencrypted version of the data.

SQL Server 2016 Edition Server + CAL Per Core
Enterprise No yes
Business Intelligence yes No
Standard yes yes
Computers or Processors 1.6 GHz or faster,2 cores
Memory 4 GB of RAM;2 GB RAM(32 bits)
Hard Disk 4.0GB of available disk space
Display 1280 X 768 screen resolution
Graphics Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or higher, with WDDM 2.0 or higher (10) for Windows, or a WDDM 1.3 or higher (for Windows 10 losing Creators Update).
Operating System Windows 10 SAC, Windows Server 2019 or Windows 10 LTSC 2019 (release time)
Browser Current version of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox.Get more details.
.NET Version Some features may also require.net 3.5, 4.6, or later.
Other An Internet connection is required to use Internet functionality.There may be a charge.
1. 100% original key can be actived and verified online.
2. Will nerver blocked after activation.
3. Hot selling ,wholesale
4. Key and Box


Contact us:



Website is : www.kedehe.com


Email is : qs1971@hotmail.com



Skype is : qs1971@hotmail.com




Microsoft SQL Server 2016 엔터프라이즈 소매 상자 0

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ShenZhen KeDeHe Technologe Co.,Ltd

담당자: admin

전화 번호: +8613632806176

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